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SEARCH RESULT FOR "United Arab Emirates"

Total 42 records found in CSC-OpenAccess Library.
Hitoshi Kono, Musab Obaid Alhammadi, Yusuke Tamura, Atsushi Yamashita, Hajime Asama
Department of Precision Engineering The University of Tokyo Tokyo 113-8656
Pages - 1 - 11     |    Revised - 01-03-2017     |    Published - 01-04-2017
Ali  Mohamed, Tarik Ozkul
Faculty of Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, American University of Sharjah
Pages - 88 - 94     |    Revised - 31-05-2016     |    Published - 30-06-2016
Abass Olaode, Golshah Naghdy, Catherine Todd
University of Wollongong
Pages - 325 - 342     |    Revised - 10-08-2014     |    Published - 15-09-2014
Waleed K. Ahmed
UAE University
Pages - 25 - 31     |    Revised - 15-01-2013     |    Published - 28-02-2013
Volume - 7,   Issue - 1, International Journal of Engineering (IJE)
Sabah Tamimi
Al Ghurair University
Pages - 269 - 276     |    Revised - 15-07-2012     |    Published - 10-08-2012
Siwar Rekik, Driss Guerchi, Habib Hamam, Sid-Ahmed Selouani
Pages - 79 - 93     |    Revised - 15-01-2012     |    Published - 21-02-2012
Murad Al-Rajab, Haifaa Kattan
Pages - 338 - 345     |    Revised - 01-07-2011     |    Published - 05-08-2011
A.H. El-Sinawi
American University of Sharjah
Pages - 157 - 172     |    Revised - 01-07-2011     |    Published - 05-08-2011
Amir J. Majid
Pages - 1 - 9     |    Revised - 31-03-2011     |    Published - 04-04-2011
Volume - 5,   Issue - 1, International Journal of Engineering (IJE)